Hunt 勒索软件锁定受害者系统

在检查新的文件样本时,我们的研究团队发现了一款名为 Hunt 的恶意软件,该软件属于 Dharma 勒索软件组织。该软件专门用于加密本地和网络共享文件,目的是勒索用户支付解密费用。

在我们对测试平台的评估中,Hunt 加密了文件并更改了文件名。原始文件名被附加了一个独特的标识符、网络罪犯的电子邮件地址和“.hunt”扩展名。例如,名为“1.jpg”的文件被转换为“[].hunt”。


在满足这些要求之前,受害者最多可以对三个文件进行解密测试,这些文件的大小不超过 5 MB,并且缺少关键或有价值的内容。该通知还详细说明了寻求第三方帮助的风险。



All your files have been encrypted!

Don't worry, you can return all your files!
If you want to restore them, write to the mail: YOUR ID -
If you have not answered by mail within 12 hours, write to us by another

We strongly recommend that you do not use the services of intermediaries and first check the prices and conditions directly with us
The use of intermediaries may involve risks such as:
Overcharging: Intermediaries may charge inflated prices, resulting in improper additional costs to you.

Unjustified debit: There is a risk that your money may be stolen by intermediaries for personal use and they may claim that we did it.

Rejection of the transaction and termination of communication: Intermediaries may refuse to cooperate for personal reasons, which may result in termination of communication and make it difficult to resolve issues.

We understand that data loss can be a critical issue, and we are proud to provide you with encrypted data recovery services. We strive to provide you with the highest level of confidence in our abilities and offer the following guarantees:
Recovery demo: We provide the ability to decrypt up to three files up to 5 MB in size on a demo basis.

Please note that these files should not contain important and critical data.

Demo recovery is intended to demonstrate our skills and capabilities.

Guaranteed Quality: We promise that when we undertake your data recovery, we will work with the utmost professionalism and attention to detail to ensure the best possible results.

We use advanced technology and techniques to maximize the likelihood of a successful recovery.

Transparent communication: Our team is always available to answer your questions and provide you with up-to-date information about the data recovery process.

We appreciate your participation and feedback.

Do not rename encrypted files.
Do not try to decrypt your data using third party software, it may cause permanent data loss.
Decryption of your files with the help of third parties may cause increased price (they add their fee to our) or you can become a victim of a scam.









April 23, 2024

Cyclonis Backup Details & Terms

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Cyclonis Password Manager Details & Terms

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